Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fear of the H2O...

As someone who travels quite a bit, I like to bring refreshments with me on my trip... As anyone who spends any amount of time on planes knows that the "meal" selection is somewhat lacking... You get your choice of beverage... Uh... I mean their choice, and a hearty snack... pretzels that are so salty, high blood pressure is induced immediately upon opening the package... If... you can get it open...

To prevent the sugar shock and hypertension brought on by airline food I started bringing my own food and drinks on the plane, as did many other "seasoned" travelers...

Then along came the liquid and gel "threat" (I suspect that it was made up by the same people that came up with the "duct tape and plastic" scare of a few years ago!) in which you cannot bring anything through "security" *1 that is more than 3 ounces... What that means is that you can no longer bring any bottled water, juice, coffee, toothpaste, deodorant (unless it's a solid), jello etc... unless it is in very tiny containers... If they catch you with the offending contraband then they give you the option of throwing it out or drinking it... Of course if you opt to drink it you have to go back out into the concourse drink it, and then go back through "security" *1... Who the hell has time to do that??!! So into the trash it goes... Damn, I paid x-amount of dollars for that shit!!

So you are left with either: A. Risking an aneurysm from the plane pretzels or B. Buy something from the vendors who have set up shop beyond the gauntlet, also known as the "security checkpoint" *1... I, like most people opt for choice B...

Then I got to thinking... Is Osama Bin Laden really sending his minions out to disrupt america's lifestyle with Crest?? or Gillette series Cool Wave clear gel?? Seeking to bring down the economy with Aquafina and Deer Park??? Probably not... Are big corporations like Sodexho and McDonald's losing money as a result of the weary traveler deciding to try to eat/drink something healthy?? Absolutely!! What better way to get people to comply with corporate wishes? Scare the hell out of them!! And make them go back to buying crispy cremes and Big Mac's!!

You see, ever since the reagan administration big business has had unfettered access to political rule makers and this is just another example in a long line of them... JMHO

*1I recently went up the "security" entrance with a bottle of water in my hand, I proceeded to put it in my back pocket and walk through the metal detector and no one said a word... I feel safer already!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I wanna hold your... WTF???

Okay... I was about to go to bed, when I came across this picture... I was under the impression that cops were supposed to keep their preferences to themselves... At least while working! Don't give me some B.S. about conferring on a case... Or some new method of catching crooks... This is just plain unacceptable from people who are sworn to protect and serve!

Maybe if this was Cambridge... (Ma. NOT England) Henry Louis "Skip" Gates would have not been arrested...

No longer a Virgin...

Aaaaaaaa yoooo, A-ight!

What's up my people? I am finally trying my hand at this blogging thing... I have never attempted anything of this sort and I'm sure that I will hit a few bumps along the way... So please bare with me!

What's my blog gonna be aboout? (shout out to my Canadian friends LOL) Iono... I told you I ain' neva dun nutin' like dis here befo'... I do know that I am passionate about music and my people, so probably a lot of stuff about dat der... Oh... and when I say "my people" I mean BLACK people... You know, African americans... Nothing against those who are "melanin challenged" , but I loves me some Black folk!

So anyway, no more delay... Wanna hear it? Here it go! My 1st BLOG!
